Photographers / Markéta Lehečková

Markéta Lehečková (* 1966, roz. Ondrušková) has been involved in photography since the 1980s. Her professional development was fundamentally influenced by the photographer Miloslav Stibor (1927–2011) under whom she studied in 1987–1988. In 2012 she received the Achievement of the Year 2011 Award from the statutory city of Olomouc for her work on the Olomouc Guidebook and for her contribution to culture. She has also cooperated in other publications (Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc). In her photographs she deals with the transience of time and tries to capture her thoughts on the finiteness and infinity of life. She uses photography to portray hard-to-describe inner feelings and fleeting impressions that often arise in lonely, natural and urban locations. Her perception of the surrounding reality is gentle and poetic and her photographs are as peaceful and conflict-free as she is.

Palacký University Press

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Third largest public collection of photography in the Czech Republic

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