Success of Olomouc Photographers at the Bratislava photo festival

The book series Olomouc Photographers , on which the Olomouc Museum of Art collaborates with the Palacký University Press, most recently earned an honorable mention as part of the book biennial of the Central European House of Photography in Bratislava. The competition was held on the occasion of the 32nd Month of Photography festival, which traditionally takes over most important galleries and art spaces in the capital of Slovakia.

The international expert jury, consisting of Jana Hojstričová (Slovakia), Josef Moucha (Czechia) and Thomas Licek (Austria), appreciated the concept and theme of the Olomouc Photographers book series. Four volumes have been published so far, presenting the work of the master of female nudes and portraits Miloslav Stibor, the authentic documentarian Petr Zatloukal, the unmistakable avant-gardist Karel Kašpařík and the postmodern solitaire Michal Kalhous.

Palacký University Press

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Professional museum institution

Expert in Central European arts

Third largest public collection of photography in the Czech Republic

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